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Learning Difficulties Information Sessions
For parents and carers, professionals and learners

Dates and Times

Thursday, 22nd August, 2024 , 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, 28th August, 2024, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.


West Winds Community Centre

3528 Channel Hwy Woodbridge Tasmania

No one really knows why, but today’s youth are facing growing cognitive and psychological challenges that directly impact their learning. Rates of ADHD, depression, anxiety, dyslexia, trauma are rising steeply, while our knowledge of how to deal with them remains low. At the same time, availability of therapists and other helping professionals is low, with wait times of months simply to get an initial diagnosis, let alone helpful treatment.  So how can we best help those with such disorders to improve their learning, in the absence of specialist medical or psychological help?


The growing discipline of the Science of Learning has developed a large body of evidence on how students learn best: and these principles apply to all learners, regardless of disorders, background, or current abilities.  In these free information sessions, we will describe these proven learning strategies, and how to use them without the need for ongoing professional help. The aim will be to equip learners to become independent and self-aware learners, able to compensate for any limitation they may have.


Topics covered will include:

  • The essential neuroscience of human learning. What is learning at a brain level?

  • How disorders impact learning, and importantly, how they don’t:

    • Attention disorders;

    • Autism;

    • Dyslexia and dyscalculia;

    • Trauma-related disorders;

    • Depression and anxiety.

  • Scientifically supported learning strategies that can easily be implemented by parents, carers, even the learners themselves;

  • How learning can in fact help learners deal with their disorders.


The sessions are a community-engagement offering: an important component of the role of universities. We aim to translate well-established learning science information to the general community, making it available where it can be of most direct community benefit. This sessions are strictly non-commercial. Accordingly, there is no fee to register, and no product or service will be offered or provided.


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